Monday, August 12, 2019

1,000 Days of Piano - Day 55: Satisfaction

I am so pleased to have gotten through all of the Suzuki Book 2. I am not yet ready to record one continuous performance, but I can play the entire book. It is not difficult music for me, but it is fourteen pieces. (I count the Beethoven Sonatina as two pieces, since it is two movements—the Moderato and the Allegretto Romance. Moderato and Allegretto refer to the tempo or speed of the piece—moderato meaning moderately and allegretto meaning sort of but not quite fast.)
I have truly never learned (or reviewed)  so much music at one time in my life. If I’m to ask it if my students, I must be willing to do it myself. Tomorrow I may be discount, but today I am satisfied with my work so far.

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