Friday, August 30, 2019

1,000 Days of Piano - Day 73: Working Ahead

I am working ahead. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been creating two blog posts a day (mostly). I’m gearing up for my annual end of summer cleaning bender, I’ll be traveling to places that will not likely have pianos available to practice on, and I have a super woman complex that prohibits practically any relaxation ever. So, I’m working ahead.
I was inspired to record the first four pieces of Book 2, just to get in the habit of playing them consecutively. I went on to record the fifth piece, which had a number of mistakes in it. In the spirit of accepting the first take, I know I should use it. In life you can’t undo all the conversations you had before some kind soul told you that you had spinach stuck between your teeth. All you can do is rush to the bathroom, fix yourself, and move forward. But this is my creation, and I get to decide whether to reveal myself in all my imperfection or to put my best foot forward. In any case, I am still working ahead.

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