Monday, September 02, 2019

1,000 Days of Piano - Day 76: Lightbulb

I love nothing more than a good idea. I find few things more terrifying than sharing a good idea (save the stuff of nightmares and phobias). Lying in bed this morning, drifting between sleep and wakefulness, an idea came to me. I could, if I dared, hold a fundraiser for those affected by Hurricane Dorian. I could do a Practice-a-Thon, and ask sponsors to pledge any amount, for example, a nickel, for every minute I practice piano for the next two weeks. A sponsor could also contribute a flat fee. If I had many sponsors, I could raise a lot of money.
I was so inspired by this idea that, ironically, I spent the day not practicing but setting up my fundraiser. I’m not ready yet, but I’ve chosen a new piece to learn. I have a new challenge and, with luck, I can help Direct Relief provide medical supplies to those areas affected by Hurricane Dorian.

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