Thursday, July 11, 2019

1,000 Days of Music - Day 29: Focus

I’ve been a little scattered in my practice lately, straying from my original plan. It isn’t a bad thing. I’ve learned a lot and increased my repertoire tremendously. Still, there is an advantage to revisiting my original plan, testing it against my experience, evaluating it, and improving it.
I used to be fond of making elaborate, detailed plans and sticking to them to the letter, feeling a virtue in my precision. I’ve since learned that just because I set a goal and chart a path to its achievement, it doesn’t mean that I must follow it religiously. I’m free to make small and large changes as I go along, and I don’t even need to see where the path leads. As long as my focus and intention on the end goal are clear, any path I take will lead me home.

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