Monday, July 22, 2019

1,000 Days of Piano - Day 40: Merry-Go-Round

Carl Czerny’s Allegretto 1 reminds me of a merry-go-round. I can smell the popcorn and funnel cakes, hear the tune played by a carousel organ, and see the painted horses going up and down in an endless race to nowhere. The important details of my life are slipping through my fingers as I clutch the pole anchoring my steed. Or worse, I am trapped on the inside of the machine, churning out the garish, giddy tunes that won’t stop as the wheel spins on its axis. I’ve lost my balance, my perspective, and my pipeline of inspiration has run dry.
On the other hand, my car has been serviced, my daughter has been caffeinated far beyond my better judgment, and I have just plowed dizzily through the first eight pieces of the Suzuki Book 2. My balance is as uncertain as if I’d just stepped off the a merry-go-round, but of course, I haven’t. The only reason I didn’t record myself is that I’m not sure how to link a post from YouTube to this blog, and I’m not willing to spend any time today figuring it out. I know I will sort it all out one day soon—the busyness, the technological ignorance, the general ineptitude I’m displaying with this project. But I fear that day is not today.

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