Thursday, July 25, 2019

1,000 Days of Piano - Day 43: Accepting Imperfection

I used to think that if I planned my endeavors every step of the way down to the last detail I would be successful. I would spend hours making plans. Then I would get overwhelmed by their enormity and the inevitable deviations and detours, and then bail. I know better now. I have discovered that all I need is positive energy and enthusiasm. Positive energy and enthusiasm generate inspiration and vision, which, in turn, creates ideas and plans that are flexible enough to survive obstacles and setbacks. Attitude is everything.
I used to think that I had to execute my plans perfectly in order to be successful. If I missed one day, my plans would disintegrate. I’m learning to accept a little imperfection once in a while. With enthusiasm and inspiration mixed with a generous helping of flexibility, faith, and self-compassion, I can do anything. I know it sounds pie in the sky, but all that really means is I need to get pumped up with my game face on before I do anything. A little self pep talk goes a long way.

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