Wednesday, July 31, 2019

1,000 Days of Piano - Day 48: Progress

I practiced my way all the way to the eleventh piece of Book 2. I only have the Beethoven Sonatina to polish and the Bartok Children at Play to learn. With focus, diligence, and detachment, I can finish learning the book by the end of the month.
I was going to title this post Flawed, because my timer went off on the middle of my performance. I also experienced a moment of visible confusion at the end of the first section. However, I’m choosing to focus on the positive.
It is such a challenge to get a performance worth posting. It doesn’t have to be flawless, but the music needs to flow. I choose the most confident performance, rather than the one that most approaches perfection. It works best when I relax into the dance of making music. Capturing my most confident playing requires a magic combination of mental presence and release of extraneous thought. The only notes that matter are the ones under my fingers.

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